Why use this app...
Let’s check why you should use this app, and how it is different from other apps
Modern UI
Latest material design with Dark Mode and Day Mode.
Weekly leaderboard and Monthly leaderboard for challenges.
Instant Score
Earn scores like UPSC CSE with negative markings.
Share your questions on WhatsApp and ask your friends if they know.
Register Easily
One-click register with Gmail or play as a guest user.
Use Lifeline
There are various lifelines available such as 50:50 and Watch Ads.
Best app for UPSC prelims preparation
This app is one of the best app for UPSC prelims mock quizzes as per our users, you may find multiple positive reviews about our app and we believe you will also love using this app for your UPSC preparation. This app can help you a lot in your UPSC journey as it is having amazing features that can help you a lot in your UPSC journey and will give you the opportunity to compete with other aspirants.